Monday, February 18, 2008


There are days in your life when you feel great. And there are days that suck. Yesterday topped them all.

In my efforts to solve a year long problem caused by my brother, I ended up making a wrong turn. I consider the move a made a wrong turn in the eyes of those who were affected but to me I thought of it more as teamwork where together everyone is supposed to achieve more.

Based on the response I got, I believe nothing will be achieved so I tried seeking advice from close friends only to get unanswered calls that I hope will be returned soon.

So there I was all alone with no one to extend a helping hand or a kind word of advice.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I called my wife and told her that I was on my way home to talk to her about the problem.

I got home early yesterday only to see her on her way out. While waiting, I put on my running gear and did 5 fast laps out of 10 and decided to call it a day. It cleared my mind, and while I was at it, it gave me the thought of not quitting and finding a solution for peace of mind's sake.

I woke up this morning only to hear more bad news. But I was determined to pursue my own plan today with the help of my wife.

Sometimes I keep telling my self that this will be over soon. Good or bad, it will end and I will be able to get my much needed rest hopefully in the company of my wife and kids.

Sometimes we feel alone because we look for happiness elsewhere forgetting the fact that the people you love are just there waiting for you to tell them about your bad day.

Last night my son lent me his iPod so I could listen to his newly downloaded tunes and it helped me relax a bit. While my youngest son was watching me savor the music, my wife's arms were wrapped around me.

I was not alone, and I think I never will be.