It's audit season this month, followed by lent, then the dreaded rainy season.
Not sure what the reason was for putting me last in line in a long line up of companies that will be subjected to a final audit today.
Anyway, I do hope everything goes well as I always say to myself that "this will be over soon". I always say that to myself nowadays that my faith has faltered and I have found myself all "prayed out" so to speak.
So lent will be a different story this year simply because it will not be observed...speaking for myself that is.
During the days when I still believed in all the mumbo jumbo the priests have put in my mind about the catholic faith, lent was observed the way it should be : church visits, confessions, stations of the cross, and all that.
Now it will be quiet time with the family and biking up in the trails. Non of the skip the meat, walk around the village at 3:00am thing which I find silly and a waste of time and energy.
Besides, I have not eaten meat regulary for almost a year and a half so what else is new.
I have learned to believe that God is not up in the heavens. That if you sin against God you will be punished. If you do not repent, even your children and your children's children will all suffer. You will get hit by lightning and worms will come out of your eyes.
This is all cow dung to me now because I believe that God is not up there, God lives in the hearts of men. He lives there because he is the God of love.
Lenten season should be the time to reflect on the ultimate act of love a man can ever do. If we could only share this love in our homes, and everywhere we go then this world will definitely be a better place to live in.
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