Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Beginning of Greater Rides

I am posting for the first time this year. After reading my last post, I want everyone who reads this to know that great rides have not ended but have lead to the beginning of even greater rides.

My love for the sport exceeds my hate for past events. I can't say wounds have healed, but I can say I easily forget and mountain biking is the best solution for you to forget your problems, whatever they are.

In restrospect, last year was a good year for me, my family and my friends. For business, it was a lot better than the previous year. For my home, we just had a new room done, and 4 new members added to my family of 7. So we're now 12 in all.

I also bought a new Vespa and there are a lot of opportunities that lie ahead.

There is a problem though, a big one that I still have to solve, with a deadline to boot coming in a few days.

Since my new year's resolution is to think positive. Life is shortso enjoy the ride, I say I just have to deal with it.

One of my main goals for this year is to REST. I need a break, a break from all of this. Work, money, exercise, and a host of other things one can't do without.

I have also made a vow to spend more time alone : go to the spa, window shop, listen to my favorite tunes while sipping coffee, or talking long walks around the city.

Last but not the least is to spend more time with the kids. I've actually done that during the Christmas break but there are better ways of spending time with them. Doing something simple, quiet, intimate like the time we went to the beach last summer snorkling the whole day, feeding the fish.

Hope I will be able to take a step back soon. Re-energize and take on whatever comes my way this year.

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