Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"Where words fail, music speaks" so goes a quote that I found while surfing the net. Music has been my savior of sorts as I and my family go through a major crisis in our lives. Funny thing about it is everyone is happy at home and it seems there is no crisis at all.

However, the weary need to rest. I have not had a vacation in a long time and have been silent and out of the loop in my circle of friends.

I am tired, impatient, and frustrated over the waiting game I again have to play as the year of the dragon starts.

As they say, time is gold and I have always tried to buy time at a very expensive cost.

Well, there is nothing more I can do but wait. Meantime, I hold my chin up and do what needs to be done to survive. As I always say, this will be over soon.

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