Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Alive and Living

It is quite ironic to see people close to you, in their retirement age, doing nothing. Putting myself in their shoes, a lot of "things to do" would come to mind ( bucket list not included as I believe these things are to be accomplished as you go on in life).

But like my wife put it : "They are not like you so....."

Anyway, just for opinion's sake, if only I had that kind of time and resources in my hands, I would:

1. Keep doing triathlons till I'm over 70
2. Do an epic bicycle ride
3. Plant herbs, vegetables, and fruits in my little farm
4. Write poetry
5. Write a book about my uncle who died in the 60's
6. Learn to play a new instrument
7. Keep playing the drums and percussions and form a classic rock band
8. Paint a self portrait
9. Teach in high school preferably about Philippine History
10. Trace my roots
11. Learn how to cook and develop signature dishes for friends and family to enjoy
12. Make my own wine
13. Perfect my method of making pickled mangoes
14. Learn a craft like motorcycle repair, welding, etc.
15. Continue blogging about anything under the sun

........and the list goes on

Sad to say, these people, despite their time, resources, and talent would choose to stay at home and do nothing. Because of this, they become grouchy, unpleasant, engage in gossip, and stare at nothing waiting for other people to make something happen.

The sucks and honestly I can't do anything about it because it's actually none of my business.

So back to the daily grind where we get in that rat wheel and run run run, eat sh%t, sleep, wake up in the morning, and do the same things over and over again until we reach the point where we need to think of what to do.

That is the reality of life, and I will enjoy running the rat race till its time to stop. And stopping means not doing anything but doing what you want, when you want to do it.

Something to really look forward to.....it just makes life more exciting.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Year End

For some strange reason, I visited my own blog after a long long time. Based on my last entry, almost a year since I last posted anything.

Last topic was "The Toughest Sport in the World" and I guess, without going over the post, I talked about how I planned to do this and do that.

Well, do all of them was more like it. In retrospect, I thought it was going to be a bad year for me. I lost a business that was generating good income for the family so things were rough after the second half of this year, but in the end, its been all good.

I finished 2 major triathlons ( Subit and Camsur Ironman 70.3), and I am so far in the best shape of my life.

I've joined a lot of 5, 10, and 21k races, a mountain bike race, another mountain bike race this weekend, and next week, the year ender : The EXTRI

On the business side, I was able to invest in a trading company, might even open a store before the year ends. I was able to visit Australia, a beautiful resort in Bicol, and have more resorts to visit in the months to come.

My kids are all OK to say the least, and my wife and I are falling deeply in love more and more.

What else can I ask for?

........more money? Maybe just enough to make ends meet will make us all happy

With all these good things and bad that happened....I look forward to the coming year.